Adopted from the Web page of David A. Barthelmy at http://web.wt.net/~daba/Mineral/chem/Chem-Sc.html
Mineral Name | Chemical Formula |
Bazzite | Be3(Sc,Al)2Si6O18 |
Cascandite | Ca(Sc,Fe++)Si3O8(OH) |
Jervisite | (Na,Ca,Fe++)(Sc,Mg,Fe++)Si2O6 |
Juonniite | CaMgSc(PO4)2(OH)·4(H2O) —- 11.58% Sc ( MW = 388.35 gm) |
Kolbeckite | ScPO4·2(H2O) —- 25.55% Sc ( MW = 175.96 gm) |
Magbasite | KBa(Al,Sc)(Mg,Fe++)6Si6O20F2 |
Pretulite | ScPO4 —- 32.13% Sc ( MW = 139.93 gm) |
Scandiobabingtonite | Ca2(Fe2+,Mn)ScSi5O14(OH) |
Thortveitite | (Sc,Y)2Si2O7 |
Titanowodginite | Mn++(Ti,Ta,Sc)2O8 |
You can click the link of each mineral to see more information.